Think Tank QA, LLC

Manual QA Testing

Find bugs that can only be uncovered with human context & deliver an exceptional user experience

Manual Software Testing Services

Test automation has its role, but misses bugs and context that can only be revealed with human behavior. Think Tank QA applies human logic to quality assurance testing, backed by hard-won experience to give meaning to the results.

Our approach lends the necessary context to understand the root causes behind bugs and allows you to prioritize issues by urgency and relative importance.

Ensure usability and meet project requirements, on time and on budget, with Think Tank QA.

Enhance Quality

We’ll test software as end users, provide meaningful analysis and reporting, and suggest solutions to avoid code failures so you can create a fantastic user experience.

Improve Efficiency

Apply the shift left methodology to discover and resolve issues early and often throughout the entire software development lifecycle – when they’re easiest and cheapest to fix

Accelerate Time to Market

We’ll test software as end users, provide meaningful analysis and reporting, and suggest solutions to avoid code failures so you can create a fantastic user experience.

Our Process

Think Tank QA accelerates time to market, improves efficiency and helps you build better software with focused manual, functional and exploratory testing. We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Our manual software testing is tailored to your specific needs.

1. Requirements Review

We’ll review your requirements documentation and ask important questions to understand exactly how your software should behave

2. Test Plan Development

Next, we’ll develop comprehensive, optimized test plans for quality assurance

3. Detailed Test Cases

We’ll create detailed test cases meant to identify use cases & scenarios your team hadn’t planned for

4. Text Execution

Think Tank QA’s deeply experienced engineers will manually test your application as though they were end users

5. Reporting

We’ll deliver detailed bug reports, help you understand the severity and impact of our findings, and explore the root causes so you can make meaningful changes to your platform

6. Re-Test

Once you’ve addressed issues – both in code and process – we’ll re-test for quality assurance

Discover how Think Tank QA can help you achieve better quality outcomes.


Accelerate development, improve performance and reduce costs with QA testing services that yield better outcomes for your users and your company.

Manual Testing

  • Find bugs that can only be uncovered with human behavior
  • Identify inefficiencies & improve processes
  • Deliver fantastic user experiences

Automated Testing

  • Automate common, repetitive & complicated tests across platforms
  • Test software fast & at scale
  • Emulate real-world behavior

Quality Review

  • Gain a clear picture of your current quality state
  • Identify process defects & risks
  • Enhance processes & improve outcomes

Engineering Review

  • Improve software engineering processes
  • End-to-end, multi-area analysis
  • Enhance quality & efficiency

Quality Teams

  • Start a QA practice or enhance your team
  • Guidance to identify & hire top talent
  • Expert documentation & training

Accessibility Consulting

  • Build accessible & inclusive software
  • Gain insight with accessibility audits, lectures & training
  • Integrate accessibility with ongoing testing & consulting

What Are You Working On?

We’d love to show you how Think Tank QA can help you achieve better quality outcomes for your business.