Think Tank QA, LLC

How Do You Prioritize Manual vs. Automated Testing?

How do you prioritize manual vs. automated testing?

For any project to succeed, quality assurance testing must be done. During this process, both automated and manual testing techniques are used in order to assess the project’s desirable functions and features.

Automated and manual testing play distinctive roles in the software development process. Knowing the benefits and downsides of each testing approach can help you decide which to use to optimize your project’s costs and time. But how do you prioritize manual vs. automated testing? Learn the differences between automation testing vs. manual testing, the pros, and cons of both methods, and when to use each type of testing.

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The Difference Between Manual Testing and Automation Testing

Though the types of tests can be similar, the main difference between manual and automation testing is how much human involvement and management is required. Manual testing generates test cases and reports without the help of any automation software testing tool. In this process, QA Engineers manually check all the essential features of a project still under development to detect and report bugs.

In contrast to manual testing, automation testing runs test execution using written code or test scripts. This procedure enables you to run repetitive activities and regression tests without the assistance of a manual tester. QA Engineers generate test scripts and validate the software using appropriate automation tools, allowing faster completion of the software testing process.

Automated Testing vs. Automatic Testing

Frequently used similarly, these two types of testing still have slightly different meanings.

First, automated testing uses software or tools to conduct tests. These tools conduct the testing but are designed and maintained by humans. Automated testing includes various kinds of tests, such as unit tests, smoke tests, integration tests, and performance tests. 

Secondly, Automatic testing, on the other hand, refers to testing a system or application without human involvement. This includes automated testing and other forms of testing that don’t require human interaction, such as hardware testing or self-testing code.

Simply put, automated testing refers to the use of software or tools to run tests, while automatic testing refers to testing without human interaction.

Advantages to manual vs. automated testing

Manual Testing

This type of testing runs test cases without automation. Manual testing takes time and effort but can significantly reduce the number of bugs in the software. This type of testing is ideal for Exploratory, Usability, and Ad-hoc testing. According to the systems testing criteria, different manual testing methods are utilized, which can include:

  • White Box Testing: Internal structures are checked through test automation.
  • Black Box Testing: The Test Engineer tests the software’s functionality.
  • Gray Box Testing: Acombination of white box and black box testing that tests both the presentation layer and the code part.

White box, black box, and gray box testing take varying times to complete based on the complexity of writing the tests and then the actual process of executing the tests. The size, scope, and resources required also plays into how much time is required to complete each form of testing.

Advantages of Manual Testing

Manual testing is the best way to gauge a software’s ease of use. This type of testing relies on human intuition and a keen eye for detail to detect bugs. The engineer executes the test with the software on a direct level, checks actual outcomes against predictions, and then suggests changes. Though it can be more time-consuming, there are advantages of manual testing:

  • Uses human intelligence to detect bugs 
  • Detects defects outside of the code 
  • Provides accurate emulation of user engagement 
  • Allows testers to concentrate on sophisticated functions and features.

Disadvantages of Manual Testing

Manual testing requires human perspective and experience in evaluating complex features and functionalities of the software to detect bugs. Human error can occur due to factors such as tiredness, lack of concentration, oversight, and other distractions. Because these factors can lead to greater and more costly problems, some disadvantages of manual testing can be expected:

  • Manual testing is more time-consuming.
  • It requires more time and effort to keep test cases updated – having to log bugs and monitor modifications manually.
  • Testers must have a deep familiarity with the software they are evaluating.

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Automated Testing

Automated testing detects bugs with a computer program. Several types of automated testing exist, grouped into two broad categories – functional and non-functional testing.

Functional testing checks the system’s basic usability and accessibility which include:

  • Unit testing: testing each software’s component separately to ensure efficient functioning.
  • Integration testing: testing all software modules together to guarantee functional compliance.
  • Smoke testing: also called “Build Verification Testing” or “Confidence Testing.” It tests the software’s stability and viability.

Non-functional testing checks software performance and reliability, including:

  • Performance testing: checks software performance, stability, and responsiveness.
  • Keyword-driven test: linking keywords to actions. 

Automated testing time varies depending on the software’s complexity. Unit testing is typically the quickest, and integration and smoke testing can be relatively short depending on the number of code units. Performance, Keyword-driven, and Regression testing can take longer. Generally, the more complex the software is, the longer the testing process will take.

Now that we have discussed the various test scenarios that use automation testing, let us dig into automation testing advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Automated Testing

There are several benefits of automation testing over manual testing. Automated testing assesses how the software performs when several people use it, as well as its speed, scalability, stability, and the effects of code modifications. 

Further defined, these benefits can include:

  • Improved scalability: Automated testing assists in finding how efficient the platform is running which later enables QA Engineers to ensure the system can keep up with an increase in users at any given time.
  • Increases efficiency: It automates tasks and, as a result, boosts developer productivity.
  • Faster execution: It allows multiple tests to run concurrently, resulting in more immediate execution.
  • Increased accuracy: Automated testing runs more frequently and consistently, eliminating human error.

Disadvantages of Automated Testing

Automated testing provides faster, more accurate, and consistent results, but there are still some limitations:

  • High initial costs: The Initial investment for automated testing is high. However, improved developer productivity and reliable results can help offset the cost.
  • Higher test maintenance cost: Rewriting script and editing can slow progres which leads to greater challenges that require even more time and dedication to resolve.
  • Requires more skilled staff: Because automated test can be more complex, it requires more knowledgable and skilled staff to write and execute the tests. Furthermore, the staff needs to be able to train other team members on automated testing procedures to be certain test are running properly.
  • Generates false negatives: Automated testing script that checks for existence but not functionality may provide false negatives.
  • More limited usability: Not all areas of software can be tested as accurately. For example, GUI elements can require additional testing beyond automated methods to validate.

Can Automation Testing Replace Manual Testing?

The simple answer to whether or not manual testing will go extinct, is “no.” For algorithm-based test cases, automation testing provides more reliable results. However, manual testing has several essential purposes and remains incredibly useful.

  • Test Coverage: Though automation testing is conducted according to a predefined set of rules, this type of testing alone cannot guarantee complete test coverage. There will always be some part of the process that can’t be automated.
  • Stability: Manual testing will continue in the modern testing landscape since it lays a solid groundwork for automated test cases to run efficiently. In other words, manual testing gives insight into the overall health of the environment so that QA Engineers can be sure automated tests will be able to run efficiently and effectively.

With these factors, it’s clear that automation testing cannot displace manual testing. Automated vs. manual testing approaches depend on the test scenario because both techniques play unique roles and benefit of quality assurance software testing.

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When to prioritize manual vs automated testing.

When to Prioritize Manual Testing vs. Automated Testing

People often ask questions regarding automated testing vs. manual testing and when to prioritize each. Both types of testing can be used in planned scenarios or edge cases, but deciding when to priortize each depends on the complexity and intent of testing being completed.

Manual testing is prioritized when the expected outcome is unknown or challenging to predict, like when evaluating the overall user experience.It can also be used to verify that software behaves as expected in a given environment, and that the software integrates and functions properly with other systems.

Alternatively, when the test cases are repetitive, time-consuming, or require a high degree of precision, you should prioritize automation testing. Automation testing can be helpful when the test needs to be run on many different platforms or environments. It is also helpful when tests are run repeatedly with changing variables and inputs. You can also prioritize automation testing on tasks vulnerable to human error, such as regression testing.

When figuring out how you prioritize manual vs. automated testing, ultimately, the type of test and what you intend to achieve will determine which type of testing you need.

When to Prioritize Manual Testing

Manual testing is prioritized in the following test scenarios.

  • Usability testing: Usability testing evaluates how easy it is for users to complete tasks while interacting with the software. It helps identify any usability issues and provides valuable suggestions for fixing them.
  • Integration testing: Integration testing aims to ensure that the system integrates with and interacts properly with other systems. Integration testing involves verifying that your system functions as intended when interacting with other applications and devices.
  • Edge case testing: Edge case testing identifies and checks for unexpected behaviors or outcomes when the system is used in unusual or extreme conditions.
  • User interface testing: This testing involves checking that the user interface is intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. It also includes testing that all links, buttons, and other forms of engagement function as intended.

When to Prioritize Automated Testing

Here are a few automated testing user scenarios.

  • Repetitive test cases: Tests are run multiple times with the same or similar inputs so automated testing can save time and reduce human error.
  • High-precision test cases: Automated testing is used to ensure that the same steps are followed each time a test is run which reduces the chances of human error.
  • Regression testing: Quickly and consistently verify that changes or updates in the software have not introduced any new bugs.
  • Multi-platform testing: Quickly test the software on multiple platforms or environments.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): In this test case, automated testing is used to quickly validate changes made in the software during the development process.
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Think Tank QA Engineers Are Ready to Assist with Your Manual and Automated Testing

Automated and manual testing techniques play distinctive roles in quality assurance software testing. Manual testing is used when the expected outcome is unknown or challenging to predict, such as usability and overall user experience testing. In contrast, automation testing is used for repetitive test cases, high-precision tests, and regression tests, among others.

People compare testing to measure the strength and weaknesses of their software and how it will perform against its competition. Just as software testing is essential, it’s important you choose the best testing technique to reduce the cost and time of developing your application.

How do you prioritize manual vs. automated testing? Let us help! At Think Tank QA, we offer our clients expert assistance with manual and automated software testing. We provide insightful test plans and comprehensive test cases, audit the quality of your application, and point out areas for improvement. Our professional software engineers can also incorporate automated test cases into your application, providing you with consistent feedback on your quality.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us today for your software testing services, and rest assured of swift and professional services.