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22 Cool Coding Movies For Programmers and Developers 

22 cool coding movies for programmers and developers

It’s always fun seeing our professions or interests on the big screen. If you’re interested in coding, programming, engineering, or computer science – or if you simply want to kick back and watch a good movie – watching coding movies can help give you a whole new appreciation for the craft. 

Movies about coding can highlight just how difficult, fun, and amazing this profession can be. No matter if you’re new to computer science or have been immersed in the field for years, watching computer science movies is simply a fun time. Think Tank QA has been inspired by more than a number of these movies as well so we’ve created a list of a few of our favorites. Whatever type of movie you’re into, we’ve got 22 cool coding movies worth checking out.

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Futuristic and Sci-Fi Movies

Some of the best tech movies feature sci-fi themes. Creating a futuristic world often means harnessing all the wonders computer programming and technology can give you. Computer science in movies is never at its peak quite as much as it is in sci-fi and futuristic worlds. Often cloaked in a neon haze or featuring technology we presently can only dream of, there’s no doubt that the general public and programmers alike love sci-fi. 

While tech movies are fun to watch and show us how our programming can grow, they also often warn us about where our current technology may be taking us and the risks of computer-generated worlds. Despite any potential inaccuracies of the tech, it’s always important to pay attention to the message of futuristic movies as well. Here are some of the best coding sci-fi movies out there. 

Tron (1982)

Movie still from Tron

An oldie but a goodie, Tron helped put futuristic and sci-fi movies on the map. Directed by Steven Lisberger and starring Jeff Bridges, this movie is about a computer programmer and video game developer that gets sucked into some computer software. He then has to fight back against the computer itself by utilizing his programming skills to return to the real world.

Often called a cult classic, Tron was moderately successful at the box office but found its niche among coders, video game lovers, and computer programmers alike. Tron is a great movie about programming to help watchers get immersed in a sci-fi world.

Ex Machina (2014)

Movie still from Ex Machina

Ex Machina stars Domhall Gleeson as a young computer programmer who has won a trip to visit and learn from his company’s brilliant CEO, played by Oscar Isaac. However, what he doesn’t realize is that he has really been selected to be the human aspect of a Turing test to determine how conscious and humanly intelligent a robot (Alicia Vikander) is.

This movie’s dark themes explore just how sentient artificial intelligence is, how we should treat them, and what may happen if we ignore the warning signs of a computer’s intelligent life. Especially poignant in our age of ever-growing AI technologyEx Machina is a must-watch movie about how computer science affects our lives. 

The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix is often hailed as one of the best sci-fi movies of all time. It is a prime example of how programming movies can be fun, and intense while showcasing just where technology could take us. This movie takes place in a dystopian world that is almost entirely created and ruled by artificial intelligence. Neo, a hacker, is made aware of this world early on and teams up with a rebellion group to find out just what the Matrix is. 

The Matrix is also home to a star-studded cast, including:

  • Keanu Reeves
  • Laurence Fishburne
  • Carrie-Ann Moss
  • Hugo Weaving

Ready Player One (2018)

Ready Player One movie still

A newer adaptation of the classic book, Ready Player One is about a world that is on the brink of collapse. Despite this, the majority of the public finds comfort in a virtual reality game called Oasis. This movie highlights greed, inequality, and power imbalances in a gorgeously-rendered computer dystopia. 

Ghost in the Shell (1995)

Adding an animated movie into the lineup, Ghost in the Shell was ahead of its time when it came to cyberpunk, technology, and programming. This movie follows a cyborg federal agent who is trailing a computer hacker that has been hacking into the very minds of robots and cyborgs. 

Delving into several intense themes like identity, how technology shapes our lives, and what it’s like to be human, Ghost in the Shell offers a poignant viewpoint in the sci-fi genre.

Blade Runner (1982)

Another classic, Blade Runner set the expectation for the cyberpunk and futuristic genre. This movie is another perfect example of how humanity needs to be wary of how technology can create a high-tech but detrimental future. Harrison Ford stars as a hunter who tracks down replicants but finds out that they may not all be bad. Blade Runner’s special effects and overarching themes make it one of the best sci-fi movies out there. 

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Crime and Thriller Movies

While many computer programming movies often take place in a futuristic world, some of the best ones are thrillers. Many of these crime movies look into if technology actually works for the betterment of society, along with delving into how elitism and money often get people out of the crimes they’ve committed while leaving the lower class struggling. Some great thrillers to look into if you’re interested in coding include:

Hackers (1995)

Following a teenage hacker who caused the New York stock market to crash at only 11 years old, Hackers was released just when the internet was starting to gain popularity.

Dade joins a group of other hackers at school only to get accused of making a virus that will destroy five oil tankers. Now, he has to find out who the real hacker is and how to get himself out of this mess. Hackers didn’t receive the best reception, but it later became a classic movie about coding and its various dangers.

Sneakers (1992)

Movie still from Sneakers

Sneakers is a heist movie where Martin, a hacker, and fugitive, is contacted by the NSA to steal a black box that is capable of hacking into any computer network. Many have said that the computer science in this movie, while older, is very accurate making it a computer programmer must-watch. This movie highlights cybersecurity and greed while offering plenty of thrills to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Swordfish (2001)

Movie still from Swordfish

This movie follows a covert counter-terrorist unit, Black Cell, that is trying to find the money to fund its war against international terrorism. However, they find that it’s all locked away behind computer encryption. They then employ a convicted hacker to help them get the money from the government mainframe. Showcasing the wonders of hacking and the trouble it can get you in, Swordfish is a great crime movie. 

Swordfish also has a stellar cast, including: 

  • John Travolta
  • Hugh Jackman
  • Halle Berry
  • Don Cheadle

Blackhat (2015)

After nuclear plants and the stock market are both hacked by cybercriminals, a federal agent (Viola Davis) suggests that a convicted hacker (Chris Hemsworth) help with the investigation. Blackhat will keep you on the edge of your seat as you slowly find out the hackers’ motives and what they could mean for the world. 

Antitrust (2001)

Movie Still from Antitrust

This movie follows a successful computer programmer after he gets a job at a seemingly fantastic software company. However, he soon finds out that his company has a dirty side and attempts to get to the bottom of it, landing him in a world of danger. While not getting the best reviews, Antitrust is still a popular and fun movie among programmers. 

Enigma (2001)

Movie still from Enigma

Highly fictionalized but still showcasing some historical truths, Enigma is about the invention of the world’s first computer and the race to decrypt the Germans’ enigma code in World War II. Similar to The Imitation Game but showing a much different side to the story, Enigma is a great thriller movie about coding that will keep programmers entertained.

Government and Big Brother Movies

Big Brother movies have grown in popularity over the years. These types of movies explore the theme of how the government has complete and overarching control over the general public. The concept was borne from George Orwell’s novel 1984, in which a character by the name of Big Brother is the leader of a totalitarian state over the public. 

Technology and programming often play a large role in government and Big Brother movies, including the following. 

Source Code (2011)

Source Code follows a pilot who is part of a top-secret government mission that lets him relive the last few minutes of a man who died in a train explosion in an attempt to gather information to prevent another one from happening. However, he discovers more than he ever expected. Source Code is a fantastic thriller that also stars: 

  • Jake Gyllenhaal 
  • Michelle Monaghan
  • Jeffrey Wright

WarGames (1983)

Movie Still from War Games

War Games is about a child hacker who somehow hacks into the government’s War Operation Plan Response. Thinking it’s a game, he starts to play around with it, creating a whole mess of problems around the world and even leading him to potentially start World War 3. This movie shows just how close the government and the world are at all times to catastrophe.

Gattaca (1997)

Movie still from Gattaca

Showcasing a world where a person’s genetics influence their entire life, Gattaca is a thrilling and intriguing movie for scientists, programmers, and sci-fi buffs alike. The movie stars Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke, and Jude Law.

Enemy of the State (1998)

Following Will Smith as a lawyer framed for murder by a corrupt NSA agent, Enemy of the State proves just how scary government and surveillance technology can be, as well as what to be aware of from our own advanced technology now.

Minority Report (2022)

Movie still from Minority Report

While programming for movies is not as prevalent in this movie, Minority Report still shows how scary Big Brother can be. It follows Tom Cruise, a police officer who is accused of a crime he hasn’t committed yet due to the government’s psychic technology. The technology is still interesting enough to keep programmers and coders interested. 

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Movies Based on Real Events

Finally, some of the best works that show programmers in movies are those that are based on true stories. Not only can we learn just how some pieces of code and technology were invented, but we also often find out about the struggle that many coders go through to create the technology we rely on today.

TPB AFK (2013)

TPB AFK, which stands for “The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard,” is a great documentary that follows the story of three people as they led a cyber-war against the media industry and create the torrenting website Pirate Bay.

The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)

This documentary takes a look into the coding and the computer genius, Aaron Swartz, who helped invent Reddit. While it has a tragic ending, the movie is a great look into some of the consequences of online activism and coding. 

Jobs (2013)

Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs

Starring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs, Jobs is about the life and work of the Apple conglomerate himself. This movie is sure to interest programmers and the general public alike as they follow Jobs during his many struggles to create Apple. 

The Imitation Game (2014)

This movie stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician, and scientist who creates the method to crack Germany’s dangerous Enigma code during World War II. This movie also explores his personal life and how the government punishes him for other areas of his life. 

Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

This documentary is an interesting look into how Bill Gates’ Microsoft and Steve Jobs’ Apple were created, along with the personal relationships and lives of each of their founders. This movie delves into the programming and coding side of the endeavor as well.

Movie still from Pirates of Silicon Valley

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The Social Network (2010)

Movie still from The Social Network

Directed by David Fincher, and starring Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, The Social Network is a fantastic and interesting look into coding, algorithms, and just how hard it is to create something as global as Facebook.

Let Think Tank QA Engineers Bring Your Project From Testing to Release

Now that you have hopefully some great new, cool coding movies to watch and inspire you, think about reaching out to Think Tank QA for a quote on how to bring your engineering and coding ideas to life. Just like what is shown in each of these movies, it’s difficult to bring your projects to the finish line all by yourself, which is where we can help.

Get in touch with us today for assistance during the design, development, and production process. We can help make sure that your product will be polished by its release. We also offer engineers that can give you a unique perspective and help tweak any inconsistencies. Contact us today.